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Sunday, March 7, 2010

New Year

Well a new season has begun...

the weather was warm today, bout 55 degrees or so and the girls were a flying alot. i lost alpha to starvation, hive was literally empty and the cells had butts sticking up out of them, so it was starvation as near as I can tell. bravo on the other hand is going like gang busters! I mean boiling out of the entrance today and bringing bucket loads of pollen as well, though I dont know from where or what kind it is. I looked around the area and I see nothing blooming to speak of.

I have new bees coming in April (Russian hybrids) for alpha and my son and I are going to try our hand at breeding some of our own queens. Specifically out of Bravo since it did so well over the winter.

well guess thats it for now, will post some pics soon.

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